Micro-credential in machine learning helps immigrant women find employment
March 8, 2022 – Calgary, AB – Participants in the Women in Technology program who complete Braintoy’s introductory course in machine learning will receive a verified digital micro-credential validating their skills and helping them find new career opportunities in Calgary’s booming tech sector. As more people rapidly upskill to stay competitive in today’s labor market, the need for verified digital credentials is more important than ever.
On March 8th, International Women’s Day, the women will attend a free Machine Learning 101 workshop. The course teaches participants about data science terminology, how to collect data, deploy machine learning models and then solve a particular “use case” or problem using Braintoy’s digital platform, called mlOS.
”We’d be honored to support these women on any day of the year, but especially on International Women’s Day, which snaps our attention to inequality and continuing to push for change. The credentials we’ve provided are a permanent, portable, private record of the skills learned today and I’m happy they’ll support these talented and motivated women into the next stage of their life,” says Chami Akmeemana, the CEO of Convergence.Tech.
With verifiable digital credentials, these women are better equipped to unlock opportunities and compete in the job market. They can choose when and where to share their credentials, including displaying their achievements on social sites like LinkedIn. Digital credentials are a value-add for any program but can be particularly helpful to those starting out in a new career.

“We have been delivering these workshops to the Women in Technology program as a way to introduce what is possible with machine learning and artificial intelligence. And, while it is an introductory course, those who complete it will be skilled in the basics of machine learning and may decide to choose this as their career path,” says Amit Varma, the co-CEO of Braintoy.
More and more women are finding employment in the tech industry and many of them are gaining the necessary knowledge and skills from programs outside the traditional structure of a college or university degree. Skill-based or competency-based hiring is gaining significant interest and momentum in the workforce. Micro-credentials are designed to support the need for fast upskilling and learning. Digital credentials take this idea a step further by providing a verifiable record of the learning experience.
Statistics show that women working in technology make $30,000/year more than women working in non-technology jobs. However, only 20% of the technology workforce is made up of women and racialized women earn significantly less than non-racialized women and men.
“These women are capable of so much if they are given a chance to learn, practice and then differentiate themselves to employers with their digital credentials,” says Varma.
Following the workshop, participants have the option to apply for an 8-week internship at Braintoy to deepen their knowledge of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Past interns have gone on to find full time employment in Calgary’s tech sector.
For more information, please visit the Making Changes Association’s Women in Technology program, Braintoy and Convergence.Tech websites. Interviews can be arranged upon request.